Greetings to each of you out there who have been consistently praying and supporting our mission here at NOW Costa Rica. We are forever thankful for you and pray God’s blessing on your families during this time.

We are two weeks into our very first discipleship course in which we have entitled “The Birds, the Bees & Jesus”. We are so blessed to have 7 girls ranging in ages 8-17 years old gathering for three hours every Saturday afternoon in our home. The purpose of the group is to raise up leaders among the community who understand how and why we were created, in the image of God and for a purpose. A large part of what we are teaching goes back to the basics of sex education. Very few families or schools teach reproductive health. We aim to share with these girls the facts about the reproductive system, risks associated with a promiscuous lifestyle and what Godly living can look like in following Christ. Thank you for praying for Sofia, Merary, Lucia, Virignia, Ariana, Amanda and Chanel. We are also blessed to have to moms, Kerly and Rita walking alongside us making meals for the group each Saturday and coaching the Ailor family on Costa Rican norms, customs and language. What a blessing this season has been for us.

We are praying for the shanti towns of Herradura villages as many have been told they need to relocate. The majority of the families living in Herradura have migrated from Nicaragua and settled in our community, however may not have land rights to the area in which they have constructed their homes. Many of these families are worried about their security, especially in these economically desperate times. Please pray as we aim to take our girls into the community to teach others just like themselves these important lessons!

Pepper is busy as this is peak season for his work with Freedom Alliance and the triple crown fishing tournament. Our family is learning how to balance our lives once again post shut down. While it’s a blessing to be back to “normal” we are reminded to leave margin for quiet time with Jesus. Please pray that we maintain balance and rhythms that are healthy for our family. Jackie is in the midst of her final semester at Stevenson University, River is in his third week of Kindergarten and Windsor is enjoying a lot of time at home. We are learning a lot about what it takes to raise MKs (Missionary Kids) and have partnered with Horizon Church to create a TCK (Third Culture Kid) committee, organized to explore and pray for families with children just like our kiddos, those who may yearn to be with family back in the States but also enjoy the excitement of ministry life overseas. Please pray that God continues to guide us in how to comfort and teach our children as they live this life of missions.
We are so excited Mama Spencer and her friend Ernie are making their way out to visit in March and then the we hope to fly back to the US end of May to see Jackie graduate. As always, travel conditions can be so quick to change, so we are praying this plan carries onward. Right now, in order to come to Costa Rica, tourists must pay on average $9 per day for travel insurance. Then a return trip back to the States requires a mandatory COVID test (an added $150) and a time of quarantine. We are praying for the world to find continued balance and hope and pray your families are entering into a season of reflection, peace and adjustment. We will always remember what 2020 has taught us. Let us not forget those lessons as we reemerge into the world Jesus has called us to steward well. As is says in Luke 12:48, “To whom much is given, much is expected.” May we all strive to be good and faithful servants to the King of all kings.
Bless you,
Ailor Fam and NOW CR Team